
The Ultimate Guide to Crafting a Magnetic Open House for Private Schools

For private schools, an open house is more than a simple meet-and-greet—it’s the pivotal moment where prospective families decide if your school is the right fit for their children. In this ultimate guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create a magnetic open house that captivates families and elevates your school’s admissions process.

The following guide assumes that you will host your Open House virtually via Zoom or Google Meet (I believe that Zoom is preferable however). While hosting an in-person event may be ideal, a greater number of prospects will be able to connect with you if the event is hosted virtually.

Step 1: Timing is Everything

Host your open house events twice per month, ideally at 7:00 PM to accommodate busy parents. This consistent scheduling ensures that your school remains at the forefront of prospective families’ minds.

Step 2: The Invitation Strategy

Extend multiple invitations to potential attendees. With at least four touches, you demonstrate dedication to prospective parents and increase the likelihood of their attendance.

Step 3: Registration Made Simple

Direct parents to a landing page designed for ease, where they can quickly register for your open house. Ask for just a first name, email, and phone number to keep the process straightforward.

Step 4: Automated Communication

Develop an automated sequence of communications, beginning with an immediate confirmation, followed by reminders, and culminating with a post-event thank you. Each message should serve as a stepping stone towards attending the open house.

Step 5: Engage and Interact

Prepare a brief yet captivating pitch about your school (7-10 minutes), and transition smoothly into an interactive Q&A session. Be ready to adapt to a small audience with personalized attention. Don’t worry if only one family attends; treat those moments like you would a typical initial parent conversation.

Step 6: Utilize Parent Ambassadors

Incorporate stories and testimonials from current families. A parent ambassador can offer authenticity and relatability that resonates with prospective parents.

Step 7: The Power of SMS

With its high open rates, SMS is a non-negotiable tool for ensuring high attendance. Use SMS confirmations and reminders to keep your open house on attendees’ radars.

Step 8: Embrace Technology

Automate your workflows with tools like HubSpot or Mailchimp, and integrate sign-up data seamlessly for efficiency and effectiveness.

By following these steps, your private school’s open house can become an admission-driving powerhouse.

Need help implementing this strategy?

If you’re looking to transform your open house from just another event on the calendar to an irresistible opportunity for prospective families, the School CMO team is here to help. Click here to contact the School CMO team for expert guidance and support.

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