Get 100 Qualified Family Calls & Tours...or it's free.

School CMO propels enrollment growth for educational institutions, tailored to your budget. Our promise: 100 qualified prospects—or a full refund.

Struggling to Elevate Enrollment?

In the rapidly evolving world of education, your institution deserves to stand out. Yet, despite your best efforts, are you finding that traditional marketing methods just aren’t cutting it? You’re not alone. Many schools face these challenges:

Ineffective Marketing Tactics

If you’ve poured resources into paid ads or social media campaigns only to see minimal impact, it’s time for a change.

Over-Reliance on Passive Strategies

Relying solely on listings or word-of-mouth referrals from current families often leads to stagnant growth.

Cookie-Cutter Approaches

Generic marketing strategies fail to capture the unique essence of your institution, leaving you with lackluster results.

Time and Effort Drain

Managing marketing efforts in-house can be a significant drain on resources, often pulling you away from your core mission of education.

Our 100 Prospect Guarantee

At School CMO, our commitment goes beyond mere promises. Our guarantee is crystal clear: Engage with 100 motivated prospects within one year, or we return your investment. This isn’t just a safety net – it’s our confidence in delivering results.

Our Process

A Process Tailored For Your Institution's Success

At School CMO, we understand the unique challenges that educational institutions face in today’s competitive environment. Our process is designed to address these challenges head-on, offering a strategic path to increased enrollment without overwhelming your team. Here’s how we do it:

1. Identifying Motivated Prospects

We start by pinpointing prospects actively seeking quality education options – just like what your institution offers. Using advanced targeting techniques, we connect with these motivated prospects who are the perfect fit for your institutions’s unique ethos and educational approach.

2. Personalized Engagement

Once we’ve identified the right prospects, we engage them with personalized communication. This step is crucial in making them feel valued and understood, setting the stage for a strong, trusting relationship with your institution.

3. Automated Efficiency

We streamline the busywork so your team can focus on what they do best – connecting with students. Our automation tools handle the repetitive tasks, ensuring no opportunity for engagement is missed while freeing up valuable time for your staff.

4. Optimized Enrollment Funnel

Our highly optimized funnel is the heart of our strategy. It’s designed to guide prospects through the admissions process seamlessly, from initial interest to eager enrollment. This funnel isn’t just a pathway; it’s a journey that prepares families to become a part of your school community.


Past Results for Our Valued Clients


How TSE Academy Drove 500+ Enrollments In 3 Years

School CMO Founder Clint Townsend has served as TSE Academy’s Chief Digital Officer since the school’s inception in 2020. Over the last 3+ years, his strategies have driven 500+ enrollments to this cutting edge school.

Want to know how? Request an instant strategy demo.

Enrollment Solutions: Your Choices Compared

Understanding your options is crucial when it comes to achieving your institutions’s enrollment goals. Here’s how different approaches stack up:

  • In-House
  • Freelancer
  • School CMO
In-HouseFreelancerSchool CMO
Buy NowBuy NowBuy Now




School CMO


Potentially High Overheads


Predictable & ROI



Specialist in One Area

Comprehensive Expertise


Limited by In-House Skills

Narrow Focus

Fully Customized Strategies

Time Management

Resource Intensive

Needs Management

Time-Saving Automation


Constrained by Resources


Scalable on Demand



No Long-Term Commitment

100 Conversations Guaranteed

Clint Townsend: School CMO Founder

At the heart of School CMO is Clint Townsend, a maverick in digital strategy with a keen eye for the unique challenges and opportunities within education. Clint’s journey from a entry level marketer to the founder of School CMO has been driven by a single vision: to transform how schools connect with students.

His passion for effective communication and innovative solutions led him through pivotal roles in marketing and outreach, supporting numerous schools and educational initiatives.

With a decade-plus of marketing expertise, Clint has been the driving force behind School CMO, focusing his talents on the educational sector. His approach is focused on delivering tangible results — more enrollments, higher retention, and streamlined operations that translate into millions in revenue and scores of enrolled students.



School CMO offers bespoke digital marketing strategies tailored specifically to the needs of educational institutions. Unlike one-size-fits-all services, we focus on creating personalized communication and an optimized enrollment funnel to target, engage, and convert motivated prospects into enrollments.

Our guarantee is straightforward: we commit to facilitating 100 conversations with qualified, interested prospects within one year. If we don’t meet this benchmark, we offer a full refund, ensuring our goals are perfectly aligned with your school’s success.

While outcomes vary, our clients typically see a significant increase in inquiries, campus visits, and, most importantly, student enrollments. On average, schools experience a 30% rise in applications and a 40% increase in school tours.

Our approach is collaborative. We work with your admissions team to enhance and streamline your current processes, implementing efficient automation tools and refining your strategy to improve performance without overwhelming your staff.

Yes, our global perspective and experience allow us to craft strategies that are effective across diverse geographic and cultural landscapes, ensuring your school attracts the right families no matter where you are based.

School CMO can work as an extension of your existing team, providing specialized expertise in areas that complement and enhance your current marketing efforts, ultimately driving better results.

Transparency is key. We provide regular, detailed reports that highlight the performance metrics and growth achieved, allowing you to see the direct impact of our partnership on your enrollment numbers.

The first step is to click here to schedule a free, no-pressure strategy call where we discuss your school’s goals and how our services can align with your needs to drive growth and success.

While immediate outcomes can vary, our targeted approach is designed for swift impact, with many clients noticing an uptick in engagement and inquiries within the first few weeks of our collaboration.

Schedule Strategy Call

Book free strategy call

Connect with a School CMO enrollment marketing strategist for a free, no-pressure strategy session. We’ll learn about your institution’s goals and objectives to determine if our 100 prospect guarantee can help.

A strategy session is ideal if you’re seeking:


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See how School CMO has driven 500+ enrollments to TSE Academy.

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