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Tips, strategies, and resources to drive students and families from inquiries to enrollees

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Hi, I’m Clint Townsend. I help private schools and educational initiatives drive more enrollment.

An Open Letter to Schools

Transforming schools starts with embracing a visionary approach.

At School CMO (i.e. Chief Marketing Officer), I prioritize innovative marketing strategies, cutting-edge admissions systems, and fostering a vibrant community of administrators. My focus isn’t on short-term metrics or fleeting trends.

The forward-thinking school doesn’t just ask: “how can we get more applications?”

They also ask: “How can we build a legacy?”, and with School CMO’s assistance, they sculpt strategies and systems that reflect this ambition.

It’s not about reaching everyone. It’s about engaging the right ones.

I share marketing approaches that are both lean and impactful, targeting meaningful audience actions rather than bamboozling vanity metrics.

The School CMO community of administrators acts as a think tank, constantly evolving and sharing best practices.

In the end, what unites our member schools is a shared aspiration: To redefine excellence in education and build institutions that inspire, using tools and strategies that are as forward-thinking as their visions.

Three Ways I Help


Tuesday Teacher Weekly Newsletter

Every Tuesday, I share practical guidance to help you recruit more students and improve family experiences.


Free Community for School Administrators

Join our free community of school leaders, united in collaboration and shared ambition.


Enrollment Marketing Services

Looking for experts to quickly grow your school? The School CMO team is standing by to drive powerful admissions results, scaled to fit your budget.

Mastery in

elevating your school's brand.

Strategy to

maximize student admissions.

Drive to

do the work that's meaningful.

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