Hi–I’m Clint. I help schools enroll more students.

[ My founding story ]

Over the past 10 years, I’ve been helping schools, educational initiatives, and startups reach their goals.

Then, in 2019, I took the leap to start my own digital strategy agency.

I found a passion for driving results for private schools, trade schools, educational programs, and non-profit organizations.

Now I run Six Minutes Late Digital Solutions where doggedly pursue results for schools of many types.

When I’m not driving strategy for clients, I’m traveling, hiking, and enjoying local food scenes.

For regular valuable content, follow me on LinkedIn

I share actionable insights on three topics to help your school grow and thrive.


Enrollment Marketing

Amplify your school’s reach with strategic marketing efforts. Dive into methods that maximize student enrollment, boost your institution’s visibility, and solidify its reputation.


Admissions Systems

Streamlining admissions is key to success. Unravel the intricacies of efficient admissions systems, ensuring a smooth experience for both students and administrators, leading to higher conversion rates.


Tech & Automation

Embrace the future with the right tools. Explore the latest in tech solutions and automation processes that will drive efficiency, reduce manual workload, and enhance overall operational productivity for your school.

I'll help your school go from slow enrollment to vastly qualified applications.

Mastery in

elevating your school's brand.

Strategy to

maximize student admissions.

Drive to

do the work that's meaningful.

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